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Atlas : Empire

Atlas : Empire

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Loud music comes in many different forms. While it's true that we have a fondness for chainshaw guitars and harsh, gutteral vocals, there are other kinds of loud music which are equally as attractive and compelling.

And that's where Atlas : Empire come in. Taking cues from the likes of O'Brother, The Dear Hunter, Circa Survive, and perennial Scottish favourites, and noise makers after our own hearts, Aereogramme, Atlas : Empire are a heady and stunning mixture of triple guitar, sometimes keyboard laden atmospherics. They make the kind of loud music that is less razor sharp guitar tones and more epic skyscraping guitar symphonies. They're everything that we love about the terms "post rock", "prog rock" and "cinematic" and by god are they loud.

Their new EP 'Somnus' can only really be described as epic. I know we've banded that word around a few times in this little except, but it's the only suitable adjective. It's twenty five wonderful minutes of sweeping, grandious, dare we say it 'conceptual' rock music which draws on influences from multiple genres then shatters them, leaving nothing but wonderful harmonious vibes, lush vocals and sheer exhuberance in its wake.

Here are some people who agree:

"I managed to get my hands on potentially one of the best EP's this year. Atlas:Empire's 'Somnus', just blows everything out of the water!" - Flicker Magazine, www.flickermagazine.co.uk

"This forward-thinking five-piece bring a multitude of styles and attitudes to the table, and fuse them together to yield genuinely fascinating results." - Daily Dischord, www.dailydischord.com

"Early ATD-I's skewed, melancholic sense of melody, late Biffy Clyro's plaintive future-ballads, Explosions In The Sky's sense of space." - beardrock.com

"Shuffling electronic beats, glassy clean guitars and engaging multiple vocals, all of which sit nicely alongside the subtle dynamic twists that never quite go into the full on aggression of hardcore" - postblogas.com

"Atlas : Empire are exactly the sort of band that keeps me arriving at gigs full of anticipation" - www.seaoftranquility.org

"Post-rock heaviness with electronic swathes of melody" - www.highland-news.co.uk

'Somnus' is released on August 12th and can be pre ordered now. You can download the track 'Mitchy Valentino Sleeps with the Fishes' by finding one of the many links on this page to our music section or by checking out the music video for said track below.

If you just can't wait though, head over to their bandcamp and get their last release 'To the Astronaut...' for three of your Great British pounds.